There was once a frog who wanted to be a real frog, and every day it was struggling.
At first it bought a mirror that looked long awaited seeking its authenticity.
Sometimes it seemed to find it and others not, depending on the mood that day or hour, until it grew tired of it and put the mirror in a trunk.
At last it thought that the only way to know your own value was in the opinion of the people, and began to comb and dress and undress (when there was no other resource) to see if the others approved of and acknowledged it was a real frog.
One day it noticed that what they most admired about it was its body, especially its legs, so it set about to squat and jump to get some legs getting better, and felt that everyone applauded.
And on and on making efforts so that, willing to do anything to achieve being considered a real frog, it left its legs being eaten, and the others ate, and it still could hear with bitterness when they said "what a good frog appeared chicken. "
Augusto Monterroso