The following is the true story of a man named Victor.
After months of being jobless, he was forced to resort to begging to survive, which he hated deeply. One cold winter evening he was in the vicinity of a private club when he observed a man and his wife who came to it. Victor asked the man some money to buy something to eat.
"Sorry, pal, but I have no change," he replied.
The woman, who overheard the conversation, he asked:
- What did that poor man want?
"Money for food. He said he was hungry, "replied her husband.
- Lorenzo, we cannot get to eat a sumptuous meal we don’t need and leave a hungry man out here!
- Today there is a beggar on every corner! Sure he wants the money to drink.
- I have a little change! I'll give him something.
Although Victor had his back to them, he heard everything they said. Embarrassed, hewanted to run away from there, but at that moment he heard the gentle voice of the woman who said:
"Here's some money. Get yourself something to eat. Although the situation is difficult, do not lose hope. Somewhere there's a job for you. I hope you find it soon.
- Thank you, ma'am! You have given me chance to start again and have helped me to take heart. I will never forget your kindness.
"You will be eating the bread of Christ. Share it, "she said with a warm smile directed to a man rather than a beggar. Victor felt as if an electric shock coursed through his body.
He found a cheap place to eat, spent half of what the lady had given her and decided to save what was left for another day. Eat the bread of Christ two days. Once again, that electric shock ran through it. The bread of Christ!
"One moment, he thought. "I cannot keep my bread of Christ just for myself." He seemed to be listening to the echo of an old hymn he had learned in Sunday school. At that time passed him an old man. "Maybe this poor old man is hungry, he thought. "I have to share the bread of Christ."
"Listen," said Victor. Would you like to go and eat a good meal?
The old man turned and stared in disbelief.
- Are you serious, man?
The man did not believe his good fortune until he sat at a table covered with oilcloth and put forward a bowl of hot stew. During dinner, Victor noticed that the man a piece of bread wrapped in paper towel.
- Are you keeping a bit for tomorrow? He asked.
"No, no. Is there a guy that I know of where I usually frequent. He has gone wrong lately and I was crying when I left. He was hungry. I'm taking him the bread.
The bread of Christ. Again recalled the words of the woman and had the strange feeling that there was a third Invited sitting at that table. In the distance the church bells to his ears seemed to sing the old hymn that had sounded before the head. The two men took the bread to the hungry child, who began to gulp. Suddenly he stopped and called a dog, a lost and frightened dog.
"Here, puppy. I give you half, "said the child.
The bread of Christ. Also reached the four-legged brother. "St. Francis of Assisi would have done the same," thought Victor. The boy had an entirely different face. He stood up and started selling the newspaper enthusiastically.
"See you," Victor said the old man. Somewhere there's a job for you. Soon you will get it. Do not despair. Did you know? "His voice became a whisper. This we have eaten is the bread of Christ. One lady told me when she gave me those coins to buy. The future will bring us something good!
Moving away the old, Victor turned and found the dog sniffing his leg. He bent down to pet him and discovered he had a necklace inscribed with the name of the owner.
Victor traveled the long road to the dog owner's house and knocked on the door. Leaving this and see that he had found his dog, he was happy. Suddenly the look on his face grew serious. Victor was about to be reproached he probably had stolen the dog for the reward, but did not. Victor wore an air of dignity that stopped him. Instead he said:
"In the evening paper yesterday I offered a reward. Here you have it!
Victor looked half dazed the money.
"I cannot accept," he said quietly. Just wanted to make a good to the dog.
- Keep it! For me what you did is worth much more than that. Are you interested in a job? Come to my office tomorrow. I very much need a complete person like you.
Returning to undertake the walk by Victor Avenue, the old hymn he remembered from his childhood sound to him again in the soul. It was called Share the Bread of Life.


  Traducción al inglés por Montse León (

Oscar Domenech (



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